For an online business, utilising the sale platforms of social media sites is more important than you think. From Facebook to Google to Instagram, each site is working out new and inventive ways to streamline the user experience. As an eCommerce site owner, this is both good and bad – but what makes Instagram so special?
Instagram is an enigma in the social media scene. As Facebook battles with becoming the ‘old person’s social media platform’, others have appeared and died a swift death, caught in the wake of another just as a quick-to-die platform that is trending right now.
Since its inception back in 2010, Instagram has captivated over one billion users who use it on a daily basis. Purchased by Facebook in 2012 for $1 billion, it has undergone some significant transformations to bring it into 2020.
Used by all generations, it’s an incredibly diverse platform, with a simple layout that incorporates stunning images, short videos and user stories (among other things).
In 2020, Statista published a list of countries with the highest Instagram audiences, top of the list, unsurprisingly, was the USA with 120 million active users, with India, Brazil, Indonesia and Russia coming in the top five. The UK has 25 million users, and this number is still growing today.
With so many people logging in to the platform every single day, there’s no wonder why businesses are capitalizing on an opportunity to capture target markets using smartphone devices.
Almost 100 million people are reachable through Instagram advertising, according to HootSuite, with 90% of all users following at least one business account. As adverts seamlessly integrate with the photos shared by users, followers rarely notice a large difference in their media consumption while on the platform which is good for both the consumer and the business. The consumer is not put off by invasive advertising that interrupts their experience, therefore leading to longer viewing times and a higher rate of conversion.
According to Brand Watch, brand engagement on Instagram is 10x better than Facebook, 54x better than Pinterest, and 84x better than Twitter.
In 2019, the prospect of selling on Instagram became very real for brands around the globe when the Shopping Checkout feature was introduced. This granted business owners the opportunity to transform their feed into a shoppable eCommerce outlet.
Although missing the middleman (aka, you and your online store), by building a ‘shoppable’ Instagram feed, you have the ability to tag products in posts – as long as you have a business profile and an up-to-date app. However, only physical goods can be sold; no services.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have to spend a lot of money to succeed when you sell on Instagram, it writes itself if you have the right number of followers and an effective marketing strategy. Stunning images, professional product photography and savvy hashtag use all make or break a Instagram shop’s ability to sell. Contact Myk Baxter Marketing today to find out how they can help elevate your brand, eCommerce website and social media marketing strategy to make the most of the incredible resources there are online, from responsive custom built WordPress websites to Instagram Shopping and Facebook Marketplace.
See how we can help supercharge your eCommerce site or help you build a new one.