Getting a Website Mobile Ready

An integral part of any website development, whether it’s a highly functional eCommerce website or a simple service advertising platform, is ensuring it is responsive and functional in the smartphone era. From dedicated SEO management to website functionality and integration, the smartphone is now the number one web-browsing machine, topping both desktop/laptop computers and tablets by a considerable margin.

However, when developing a website, you cannot leave anyone out. That means whether your user is using a rusty old Microsoft Windows XP computer or a top-of-the-range iPhone just released yesterday – your website needs to adapt and display correctly every time.

Another technique involves simplifying your website overall, making information easier to find. By thinking about the information, people are looking for on their mobile device, as opposed to on their desktop computer, and present your website differently for the platform. For example, visitors to a brick-and-mortar store in Darlington, North East UK, will use their phone for a map or opening hours – checking on the go. In contrast, on their desktop, visitors are more likely to look for products, reviews or testimonials. 

Myk Baxter Marketing has website development experts and SEO marketing experts who can best tailor your site to the correct audience and their devices. For example, MBM helps create ways for sites to avoid using Flash altogether – as it slows down page loading times at the best of times, and stops a site working at the worst. 

Did you know that neither Android nor iOS devices support Flash? If you are still using Flash, contact Myk Baxter Marketing today as you’re already losing customers you never even knew about! 

Other things like compressed images, button size, autocorrect forms and viewport meta tags all play a role in getting a website mobile-optimised. Also, don’t forget an easy-to-reach ‘switch to desktop’ mode for those who prefer to see the desktop version of your website. 

Making your Business Mobile Ready

In a mobile-only world, businesses need to go the extra mile to incorporate their services and eCommerce platforms onto the smartphone screen. Start using mobile-friendly business applications for requirements like CRM, accounting, task management, billing and document sharing. This allows your team to access their work on the go, a growing prerequisite for the modern digital employee. 

If possible, use Myk Baxter Marketing to guide you in developing in-house mobile-friendly software for your business operations while tracking, measuring and reviewing the use of mobile-friendly methods to ensure you’re getting the best results.

If you sell products or services, consider developing a mobile app for your visitors. An app not only ensures your products and services are displayed correctly every time but by being on their phone 24/7, users are subconsciously reminded that you exist, improving brand recognition and return customer numbers.

Myk Baxter Marketing is an expert at prioritising inbound marketing, a technique that lets customers’ find you’ through carefully placed marketing and advertising that targets a ‘mobile only’ world. Find out how they can help improve conversions and develop a fully functional, mobile-friendly website by clicking here

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