The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Your eCommerce Store

While the UK opens up and life returns to normal, it could be a good time to protect yourself from the unwanted, albeit likely, return to lockdown in the not-so-distant future. One way to protect yourself financially is to create passive income online.
With a dropshipping website built by Myk Baxter Marketing, you can achieve just that, with little upfront costs when compared to starting a traditional business.
You can make passive income through dropshipping by selecting a target market and niche you are interested in, carrying out adapted product selection and market research, finding a supplier and building an online store, building a working eCommerce site and gaining conversions through targeted marketing strategies.
If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry, Myk Baxter Marketing can help you every step of the way.
Many videos on YouTube promise get-rich-quick schemes, and quite frankly, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. There is great value in dropshipping, but you need the right product, at the right time.
Unlike traditional online shop management which requires you to have your inventory, dropshipping allows you to manage sales without any physical stock at hand. Simply, a dropship store connects your visitors with suppliers. You’re the middle man, generating sales and managing customer expectations.
Amazon is a perfect example of a drop shipper (although they also manage large amounts of their inventory now). eBay is another, the seller is a person, and you’re a person buying. What does eBay do? It connects you both, protects your consumer rights and manages any issues that may arise.
To compete with Amazon is to kill yourself before you’ve started. Better to research a product that there is a market for but is not fully represented online (or in your area at least). This could be anything from jewellery to dog treats, but by finding a nice you attract a specific market and can develop yourself as a leading go-to for that product.
Finding a reputable, reliable and efficient wholesaler to help manage and deliver inventory when orders are made is also crucial. There’s nothing worse than accepting an order than having a wholesaler fail to fulfil the order. With a dropship site, you’re the face of the business and need to manage their expectations. If your wholesaler fails too often, it’s you who is in the firing line.
Myk Baxter Marketing has over a decade of experience building websites and working with some of the best eCommerce brands in the UK. Using the WordPress platform, we utilise the WooCommerce plugin as our main eCommerce management software given its flexibility and diversity.
However, without the help of a professional eCommerce website developer, you could find yourself lacking the skills or understanding of how to best utilise such a complex plugin.
In addition, MBM’s marketing services allow a streamlined journey from concept to website to ongoing marketing, managed and organised by the same team who knows your business inside out.
To find out more, visit Myk Baxter Marketing today and start making some passive income with a flash and functional dropship eCommerce website today.
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