When it comes to marketing your business, you may think that social media is the most advantageous method to use. But have you ever wondered about dipping into the pool of email marketing?
Ideal for those who are working with a smaller budget (depending on your subscriber list) this beneficial practice allows you to directly target your target audience, including both current and future customers.
With first time users in mind, in today’s blogpost, we will be running through our top tips on how to curate the perfect campaign. Keep reading to learn more.
Before any creatives are pulled together or ideas are shared, you must identify the audience that you want to reach. Take into consideration their age, gender and income, as by doing so you’ll be able to curate your wording & action points into a campaign that is going to attract and capture their attention.
Remember, you can also segregate your user data by location, however this may require additional assistance from a leading digital marketing expert, such as the team at Myk Baxter Marketing.
When creating an email newsletter for the first time, it’s best to make the process as straightforward and stress-free as possible hence why we advise using a leading email management platform, such as Mailchimp.
With packages ranging from £0 to £220 (per month), Mailchimp grants its users the ability to design, send and receive analytics on their email campaigns straight through your desktop or mobile device.
There are also dozens of handy guides and articles on how to utilise the platform too.
Like most practices, email marketing requires consistency and considerate planning to ensure you keep your audience engaged and subscription levels high.
We advise creating a content calendar through the likes of Airtable, a cloud collaboration service which can be used to share and curate your content before turning into a mailer.
Falling in line with our previous point, remember that an email campaign doesn’t end once you’ve hit the send button.
Ideally, after a few days have passed, take a look at your mailing statistics, such as your ROI and your click-through rate and review & reflect upon your findings and take these into consideration when adapting your next mailer. Will you further segregate your data? Send on a different day? Or send a mailer more frequently?
Finally, and the most important thing to remember when sending a newsletter is that you want to encourage your customers to stay subscribed and stick around!
We recommend offering a unique subscriber incentive, such as additional discount on your products/services and an invitation to an exclusive event, whether it be to a pre-sale or launch.
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